Find Greater Job Satisfaction with Career Planning and Development Help Jan 2019
It's Monday morning and it is your second week back at work. You had a great break over the holiday period and forgot about work, but now you have that old feeling of dread when it is time to get up and face the day. If this is you, then you are not alone. Sadly, many people lack job satisfaction and feel just like you do. The good news is that it does not have to be this way. There is a more interesting, satisfying job out there for you, but you probably need help to find it.
Many of my clients come seeking assistance with changing their career as they have become bored or disillusioned by their current work and feel stuck. Sometimes they find themselves in situations where there is a restructure and their role changes or is abolished, or they are made redundant and have to find alternative employment. Often they experience great anxiety and uncertainty about how they can use their skills in a new environment with different expectations and demands. This is where career counselling can assist.
So, what are the steps in making a job or career change? When people come to see me I start by helping them to identify their tgransferable skills - those skills which can be applied across workplaces - not just specific to their current job role. This is very important as it helps them stop thinking of themselves in a particular setting. When they are clear about these they can then market themselves to a potential employer and help them to see how their transferable skills are applicable and relevant to a different work environment. This process prevents the person from being "type cast". With this list we are then able to identify some options.
However, skills are only one part of the picture. Another important question is to ask yourself if you have found your unique purpose in the work you do. If you have not found this yet, then you need to start searching for it. All of us have unique talents, characteristics and abilities which, if applied to the right type of work, will lead to job satisfaction and more fulfilment in life. This is true whether we are talking about trades, creative arts, business or the professions.
Our initial career choices are frequently made with limited knowledge about our personalities and our options and it is not unusual to find that we do not wish to continue in the same field for the whole of our working lives. As we grow and mature, our attitudes and needs change and the job that suited us in our twenties or thirties may no longer be right for us. These days workers are much more mobile and it is not regarded negatively if you have moved around in your employment. In fact, employers tend to prefer employees who have demonstrated the ability to work in a variety of settings and have shown flexibility and the capacity to adapt to new challenges and demands. These days the average person will have several careers during their lifetime, unlike the idea of the same job which lasted until retirement.
When changing employers it is important to ensure that you are clear about your skills, interests and values. If you have special needs, for example to work part time or close to home, or can't do overtime or shift work, these will need to be kept in mind when you are contemplating your next step. Take time to research the field you are considering and ask if your skills and personality are a good fit for that type of work. Check out the culture of the new workplace. Talk to people who work there or do an internet search to find out as much as you can about the organisation. Is this the type of company where you will feel valued? Do people seem to enjoy working there? Are there opportunities for advancement? Is the company going through major changes which could impact on its staff?
Some of my clients complain that they hate their job and want to move, but unless you give thought to what makes the job unsatisfying to you, you can risk finding that the new job is no better than the last one. The best guide to finding a satisfying job is to be involved in using skills you love and are good at. This may sound obvious, but you would be surprised at the number of people who can say they have this combination in their current job.
Having an optimistic and positive attitude is vital when considering a job or career change. If you believe in yourself and approach the task with a good level of self awareness of your strengths and weaknesses, you will be in a stronger position to make a good decision about what will be the right direction for you. Self doubt and fear of change can impede our ability to find work we love. Don't allow a desire for a high salary or status to lead you in the wrong direction unless it involves work you know you will enjoy. These days people are expected to work long hours and for many years before retirement, so it is essential to take time to choose the right job for you. Sometimes circumstances may require that you find a new job quickly, but do not settle for this as a long term solution, unless it happens to be your dream job. Have a short term and a long term plan regarding your career. Keep focused on where you want to be at the end of 5 or 10 years. Making a change can be anxiety provoking, but without the willingness to take action, we can remain stuck in an unsatisfying situation and never experience ourselves as we can be.
I have found that people who never think about moving from their job and keep on doing the same tasks year after year are the ones who find it most difficult to adapt to unexpected changes. No matter how much you enjoy your job, always ensure that you are expanding your skills and preparing yourself for a time when you may have to move on to something else. This can occur due to organisational restructure, illhealth, injury or a change in family circumstances, so don't be too complacent and be prepared for the unexpected so you can adapt to change if necessary.
If you are thinking about a job or career change this year, I would be happy to assist you so please contact me on 0438 855328 to arrange an appointment to discuss your needs.
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